Spark, votre Agence SEA à Paris spécialisée dans le SEA

En quête d'une expertise sans égale en référencement payant à Paris ? Spark, basée dans le 10ème arrondissement, est fière de son label Google Partner Premier. Confiez-nous vos campagnes : nos spécialistes en référencement payant déploient et affinent déjà les stratégies Google Ads et Bing Ads pour une multitude d'acteurs parisiens et d'Ile-de-France, couvrant une diversité de domaines.


Les avantages de choisir Spark, votre agence SEA parisienne

L'équipe experte de Spark en Search Engine Advertising collabore avec une variété de clients à Paris et dans toute l'Île-de-France. Nous nous attaquons à des défis diversifiés dans des secteurs tels que la restauration, l'immobilier, la mode, la finance, et les assurances. En confiant votre campagne à Spark, votre agence spécialisée à Paris, vous avez la garantie d'un service flexible et efficace, calibré selon vos besoins et votre enveloppe budgétaire. Transformons ensemble vos défis en vecteurs de succès !

Accompagnement sur mesure

Nous ne croyons pas aux solutions universelles. L'élaboration de la stratégie SEA de nos clients se fonde toujours sur la compréhension de leur activité, de leur marché, des spécificités de leur offre et de leurs objectifs business. Nous combinons cette connaissance approfondie de nos clients à notre connaissance du marché de la publicité digitale à afin de proposer des stratégie SEA taillées sur-mesure pour performer.


Le paysage du SEA ne cesse de se transformer. Avec les mises à jour algorithmiques, l'émergence de nouvelles fonctionnalités et les besoins fluctuants des utilisateurs, il est crucial de rester en phase avec le mouvement. C'est là que notre équipe de spécialistes SEA à Bordeaux intervient. Grâce à un apprentissage continu et une surveillance ininterrompue des évolutions, nous assurons que votre campagne est synchronisée avec les tendances actuelles et les standards de l'industrie, promettant ainsi des performances optimales.

Agence certifiée

Spark détient depuis 2022 le statut de Google Premier Partner, accordé seulement au top 3% des agences françaises. Ce statut atteste de notre maîtrise avancée de Google Ads et offre de nombreux avantages : accès aux bêtas, contact direct avec un support client avancé, partage d'analyses macro, formation continue de nos consultants auprès des équipes Google et plus encore.

Our SEA method

Entrust your digital strategy to our specialized SEO consultants, with their operational knowledge of Google Ads (formerly Adwords) campaigns and their specific features.

We'll help you define your acquisition strategy and advise you on the types of campaigns (Search, Display, Shopping) to activate in order to maximize your return on investment. This is followed by the implementation of granular campaigns to perfectly align user queries with your keywords, ads and landing pages.

Thanks to our operational know-how, your sponsored links are optimized on a daily basis to make the most of the opportunities offered by search engines. Spark is a Google ads agency with Google Partner Premier and Bing Partner accreditations, testifying to our expertise.

First and foremost, we listen. During our briefing sessions, we immerse ourselves in your business objectives, challenges and aspirations.

This first step is essential to enable us to design an Internet advertising strategy that perfectly matches your needs.

Once we have a deep understanding of your brand and objectives, we develop strategic recommendations based on market metrics and various audits.

This includes market research, competitor analysis and target audience definition. Based on this data, we create a clear roadmap for your ATS campaign.

With a strategy in hand, we move on to creating and implementing campaigns on the most appropriate platforms (Google Ads, Bing Ads, etc.).

Each ad is carefully crafted and optimized to guarantee the best possible return on investment.

We also make sure that the ads are perfectly matched to the defined keywords and target audiences.

Nous challengeons régulièrement la stratégie en place en menant des A/B tests de structure, de contenu ou d'enchères afin de s'explorer toutes les pistes d'optimisation potentielles.

La collaboration avec nos clients est rythmée d'échéances stratégiques, destinées à prendre du recul sur le suivi quotidien des campagnes, à tirer les enseignements des résultats obtenus au long court et à planifier l'avenir pour rester en phase avec vos objectifs business.

Enfin, la concurrence, les nouveaux produits et les évolutions technologiques rebattent sans cesse les cartes et offrent des opportunités aux annonceurs les plus vifs : nos consultants sont au fait des évolutions et tendances du marché pour vous permettre de les anticiper et d'en tirer parti.

The world of search engine optimization is vast and constantly evolving. To get the most out of search engines, you need to master both SEA (Search Engine Advertising) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). These two levers, though different in their implementation, are complementary and can deliver breathtaking results when used in conjunction.

The combination of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Advertising (SEA) guarantees optimum visibility on search engines. While SEA offers immediate, targeted visibility via advertising, SEO works over the long term, optimizing your site's content and structure for favorable natural positioning.

Les consultants SEA n'est pas seul dans cette quête de visibilité maximale pour ses clients. Nous collaborons étroitement avec l'équipe SEO. Tandis que l'équipe SEA se focalise sur la perfection des campagnes publicitaires payantes, les experts SEO se chargent de la stratégie de référencement naturel. Ensemble, nous formons une alliance solide et efficace, assurant à nos clients une présence dominante sur le web.

This strategic partnership enables us to cover the entire SEO spectrum, ensuring that our customers benefit from the best of both worlds. Each campaign is enriched by the insights and skills of two expert teams, determined to meet and exceed digital marketing objectives.

Our SEA expertise

Google Ads

We target your prospects precisely with tailor-made ads. Thanks to our advanced mastery of this tool, we can guarantee maximum return on investment.

Bing Ads

Bing Ads is an opportunity not to be overlooked. Our SEA experts optimize your campaigns for this engine, reducing cost per click and boosting visibility.

Google Display

Display your ads on Google's gigantic inventory and reach your prospects at every stage of the conversion tunnel

SEA Audit

In-depth analysis of your SEA campaigns, identifying strengths and improvements for ongoing performance optimization.

Social Ads

Social networks are a must. Leverage them to strengthen your brand and drive conversions with our advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more.


Optimize conversions by retargeting visitors with personalized ads to bring them back and finalize their actions, whether it's a purchase, registration or key conversion.

They talk about us

Meet the team

Our team of SEA experts

Patricia Carvalheiro
Growth Manager
Valentine Ly
Growth Manager
Marie Garnier
Growth Specialist
Sami Hadj-Chaouch
Growth Specialist
Case studies

Business Cases

How do you generate a high volume of B2B leads?
How do you generate qualified leads?
Using Target ROAS for lead generation

Frequently asked ATS questions

What is a SEA agency?

A SEA (Search Engine Advertising) agency is a company specialized in managing paid online advertising campaigns, mainly on search engines such as Google Ads. It helps companies promote their products or services using paid ads to reach their target audience.

Why should I use an ATS agency?

An SEA agency has the expertise to optimize your online advertising campaigns, which can save you time and money. It can also maximize your results by effectively reaching your target audience, improving your return on investment (ROI) and helping you stay competitive in the ever-changing Internet marketplace.

How does payment for SEA agency services work?

SEA agencies generally charge a management fee, which covers the planning, creation and management of your advertising campaigns. In addition, you'll have to pay for the actual advertising budget you wish to allocate to your ads. Costs vary according to the size of your campaign and the competition in your sector.

What's the difference between SEA and SEO?

SEA (Search Engine Advertising) involves the use of paid advertisements to appear at the top of search engine results, while SEO (Search Engine Optimization) aims to improve your website's organic ranking in search results. SEA offers immediate results, while SEO is a long-term process aimed at improving your site's visibility without paying for ads.

How does an SEA agency choose the keywords for my advertising campaigns?

An SEA agency carries out in-depth keyword research using specialized tools to identify terms relevant to your business and target audience. It takes into account competition, search volume and relevance to select the most appropriate keywords for your ads.

How long does it take to see results with an SEA agency?

Results with an ATS agency can vary depending on a number of factors, including your industry, advertising budget, ad quality and competition. However, you can usually start to see results within the first few weeks of the campaign, and these often improve over time as the agency optimizes your campaigns.

we take care of it for you

The ATS to-do list

Veille concurrentielle continue
Définition de la stratégie d’enchères
Recherche de mots-clés
Définitions précises d’audiences
Conversion tracking (online and offline)
Mise à jour régulière des créas
Structure d’acquisition en funnel
Mise à jour régulière des créas
Formation et mise à jour des compétences de l'équipe
Conversion tracking (online and offline)
Identification des termes stratégiques
Optimisation du taux de conversion
Help with optimizing your landing page
Gestion et suivi des campagnes
Optimisation des Images et des Multimédias
Sitemap et Robots.txt
Creating long-tail campaigns
Reportings de performance personnalisés
Choix des plateformes adaptées
Paramétrage des budgets quotidiens
Création contenus et de visuels performants
Réévaluation et Ajustement des Stratégies de Data
Get your growth off the ground

Accelerate your growth today.

Benefit from free audits of your campaigns and a proposed acquisition strategy for your paid levers.

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Free audit

Made to measure
